Unethical psychiatrists with a saviour complex, destroying the lives of insecure individuals.
The inner workings of the soul should be explored, one's self-esteem should be built up with the knowledge that your body is your body and it's okay.
You are okay.
No visit to Dr. Frankenstein to get your todger snipped off and a pair of fake silicone tits attached is going to improve how you're going to feel about yourself as a whole. Maybe on the most superficial of levels but for the complete person within, no. In fact, this is borne of self-loathing.
Look at this poor guy. He's been turned into a quivering wreck. All in the name of "progressivism".
Just prescribe those drugs, attach yourself to some poor confused schmuck and watch those dollars come rolling in. These so-called health care professionals are nothing more than self-serving, money worshipping parasites whose only reward should be contempt.