Out, damned spot!
If it wasn't for this particular parasite, I wouldn't have inadvertently risen up to find my confidence.
Of course, I had to hit hell to rise upwards.
I was in a dark place, more or less in hermit mode, no confidence and at the end of my tether when sent along to see this creature after being diagnosed with clinical depression. This "professional" is basically an insecure person who wears a mask of self-serving narcissism and who wanted to score brownie points by making an example of me. My crime was standing up for myself.
Manipulation, thievery, condescension. Dr. Lara Bertolino, I salute you.
I deserve an explanation of why she falsely claimed Medicare against my name. I'm not holding my breath for that or an apology. In my emotionally delicate frame of mind at the time, I would have accepted an apology and not worried about Bertolino's ill-gotten gains. Maybe there is a God.
The good doctor is the main reason for my distrust of this profession as sometimes displayed in the Psychology 100 series (see also Psychology 115).
Man, this is a helluva story. Thinking back, the red flags were there from day one and not only from session two onwards (when the fraudulent activity took place). It really should be expanded upon.