This video resonates so deeply in regards to my experience with Dr. Anonymous (BSc(Hons), DPsych(Clin)).
It's sobering to know that even at one of the lowest points in my life, I was quite possibly still more mentally healthy than she was.
I know at this point, I most definitely am. Whatever respect I may have still had was lost when the message left on another post revealed they suffered from TDS as well as lacking severely in emotional intelligence. But there's no anger. The mask momentarily fell, and now I just feel pity.
Psychological band-aids and stomachs stuffed full of anti-depressants is not the answer. Personally, I went to the core of my being through guided meditation (in the very first stages of going inward). I dragged out that little scared boy at my centre which re-ignited memories, some times re-living them and analysed my own inner trauma. Alone. I have no doubt about who I am and my worth as a result.
It takes a long time and you have to ride through the pain. A lot of pain. But its worth it. Completely drug-free (that includes anti-depressants) with a confidence knowing where I was and where I am now.
Putting aside this doctor's unethical shenanigans which led to me walking away (which was a blessing in disguise), I will admit that going along to this person did help to get me re-acquainted with the world.
The red flags were there from day one, though. I was a nervous wreck and Doc. Anonymous decided to plan out my long-term schedule that session. Coming up on the plans she was making for my future, my brand new therapist said she was going to a wedding on a Friday (which was a day I was free to come in), so she said you can come in the day before. "But, I work Thursday." "What time do you finish?" "About 2:30, but I'll be tired." "Okay, three." "Uh... okay."
Then of course, the famous session two where the clinic messed up and I was made the scapegoat. At a later date, she instigated an interrogation session where the questions she asked got faster and faster in order to humiliate me for standing up for myself. Then when I cracked, she made herself out to be caring by saying not to beat yourself up over it.
I was also recorded without my permission with her phone as low battery warnings went off twice over the sessions we had. I didn't have a mobile at the time, so I was ignorant to their workings. More stuff is coming to the surface, like her insistence of walking first. I've never had that with anyone else. I mean, aren't you supposed to be behind your client in case they don't follow and so they go first into the waiting room toward reception? It's also common courtesy.
I've made mention of this situation before in this blog and elsewhere. The video above was a reminder of my experience. I won't proffer any links because I have no desire to mention or search for this subject again plus I do have a degree of empathy for Lara Bertolino. She is a very damaged person.