I've talked about them before and there is that possibility that I'll talk about them again.
In fact, I think I will.
after ad
after ad,
then another ad,
then another
ad infinitum
Here's one of their commercials which contains quite possibly the most useless man on Earth. Someone who puts in absolutely no effort and relies on some other party to micro-manage every single aspect of their thought processes.
In this case, artificial intelligence.
Why was this guy hired? Was it a box-ticking exercise in diversification where the term LAZY BASTARD needed to be crossed off the list?
Maybe it was COMPLETE FRAUD the DEI officer marked off.
Possibly the latter, for at the end of the video he's presumably performing with his daughter a tune from the heart written for her by A.I. I hope she doesn't end up in litigation if she decides to post it online.
It could happen.
Here's a lawyer seemingly quite proud of himself detailing how he sued a nine year old and won. He did his job, true, but it isn't something that you'd brag about on the internet for clicks, likes and clout.
until next time...