One can only hazard a guess at the ongoing nightmare that this great country is going to have to endure if the upcoming referendum, for some inexplicable reason, returns a YES majority.
Never forget the debacle that was the (now scrapped) W.A. Cultural Heritage Act 2021. Five weeks in and repealed because of greedy opportunists like the only just formed Whadjuk Aboriginal Corporation demanding 2½ million dollars otherwise planned tree-planting events weren't going to happen. It was extortion. Nothing more.
Imagine if the referendum is successful, the country would then be up crap creek without a paddle as the same tomfoolery would be running rampant with the knowledge that being enshrined in the Constitution means the grift can go on forever. Believe you me, things will only get worse unless you're one of the First Nations elites. Do you think the lives of ordinary Aboriginals are going to improve under the new system being set up to put in place? I wager it won't.
What a waste of money for what points towards looking like an overwhelming NO victory. Come the 14th, and we'll see if I'm right. I certainly hope so, for all our sakes.