This story is a few days old now so forgive my tardiness.
Inclusivity runs rampant at the Australian Defence Force as they issue a directive for the military dogs and their handlers to adhere to.
"Cultural sensitivity" is the latest buzz-phrase employed by the ADF to make sure they won't get left behind in the push for a more progressive planet. In this case, it pertains to war and engaging with your foe.
I guess the human side of the team could carry a supply of poop bags in case the canine side takes a dump on the enemy's sandpile, and of course if said dog happens to be female or MTF trans they can be decked out in a hijab or burqa depending on the level of extremist they face.
Also, if the combatants our forces are facing are any way offended by the canine troops, i.e thinking that these noble beasts are dirty animals not worth a pork chop as a lot of these types invariably do, they can be left in the military vehicles as preparations are made to hand over a questionnaire in order to make sure no misgendering takes place.
I will say no more. For further details, click on to >>>>> this link <<<<<