Taking data from a whole lot of sources, unable to differentiate from truth, satire and nuance, the results can veer into completely bizarre territory.
This is the nature of AI.
Google AI's launch a little while back wasn't exactly a great success, and it seems some of the bugs haven't been completely ironed out.
Now, here's where things start getting interesting, conspiracy theorists, so start adjusting that tin foiled headgear. Mine is in the wash, so I've had to make do with an old Weet-Bix box.
So here we are, a news story by a reporter named Josh Taylor for The Guardian newspaper, online for 24 minutes at the time of screencapping.
But if you go investigate said story, which I did (and here's the link), you are met with this:
If what the headline in this aborted piece pertains to be true, in particular, the jumping off the bridge part, it's understandable if a more powerful source wants this information snuffed out as quickly as possible.