Hatemonger or hive mentality? A walking contradiction, certainly. Apparently intelligent, but seemingly not playing with a full deck when it comes to the realities that are playing out in the real world. Indeed, the blinkers are on for Sujatha Fernandes, sociology professor at the University of Sydney.
Professor Fernades, while lecturing a first year class, tried a bit (and I'm just speculating here) of the old indoctrination, by painting Hamas as the victims in the atrocities of October 7 via a biased media peddling 'fake news'.
Maybe she, and a number of her soy-ingesting cohorts could make the trip to help their brothers in arms, the terrorists they idolise from afar, and present themselves in person. I'm sure a great rapport will develop as friendships ensue. Their new buddies could even take on a mentorship role, and take time out of their busy schedules to give some of them flying lessons.
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