Now, here's a story so embarrassing that even
this story's reporter won't attach their name to the piece.
I have no such qualms.
Farmer Shaun Taylor really loved his profession.
So much so, he took work relations to a whole new level.
Which proved to be his undoing.
But Farmer Taylor is a caring sort of fellow. He wanted bail conditions relaxed on the sex crime he had committed, so he can head back to the farm, and "look after his animals".
One can only imagine this weirdo's next move
if the judge had shown more leeway and granted his wish.
After arriving home and thoroughly showering in sheep dip, Farmer Shaun pulls out the bottle of Brut 33 he saves for special occasions, slathers himself in it, grabs the lovingly wrapped sprig of celery he picked up at Woolworths after posting bail, then frolics through the fields to rendezvous with his one true love for a candlelit dinner of clover and oats.
You never know. He just might get lucky.
Ugh. For more details, click on >>> this link <<<
or check out the screenshots below: