
2020 Vision - Part One


Boxing Day

KFC Botches Order - Customer Calls Police

The Divine Image.

It's Clichéd to Be Cynical at Christmas

Godawful Poetry for Godawful Times (Christmas Eve edition)

Christmas Hating "Christians"

Eloi v. Morlock 2020

Violent asylum seeker mutilates penis to gain entry and taxpayer funded reconstruction

The Struggle Within - The Struggle Without

You, Me and Lycanthropy

Remembrance Day 2019

A Parallel Destiny

All Hallows' Eve 2019


Darling, it's not that you're ugly on the outside...

Dance Music for the Apocalypse

Transgender Madness

Rock and Roll

The Cygnet Cynic

Psychology 103

depression 2019 =>>

Psychology 102

The Demolished Man / Alfred Bester

Psychology 101